This CNY, we bought some homemade cookies from Malaysia and one of them was the melt-in-the-mouth kind and it tasted so good! As it was not labeled, I'm not really sure if it's the Melting Moments cookies that I've been wanting to try.

I'm determined to make these some day and I finally found one recipe from Sweet Decadenze. I tried to duplicate the cookies that we had bought, piping little flowery shapes and putting a chcocolate chip on top. My piping skill is horrible! Every cookie comes in different sizes, shapes, thickness, heights, plus I wasn't using the real piping tools (I just fold my own piping bag). Hehe!
The cookies are great! Melts-in-the-mouth kind. Mine is a little crunchy at first bite. Perhaps I overbaked a little. Those we bought were better. But nobody complains! Another cookie to be baked for next CNY. Who wants? :)