
Sunday, November 30, 2008

I'm ugly but I'm yummy!

我很丑,可是我很... 好吃!

If these were to be put in bakery shop to sell, I doubt anyone would buy. Haha! Very ugly looking, but they taste really good. This is the first time I attempt making pastry using oil dough and water dough. Very difficult, the water dough seems to be too dry and crack badly, so I'm not able to make very smooth skin, that's why the ugly surface. Very tedious work too. Although it's good, I don't think I wanna try the same thing again (other types of pastry maybe yes). It's more convenient to buy right! I did it for experience and purely as an experiment.

Reminds me of this TV programme on Channel U (still showing) called 妙手铁厨 Man Vs Machine. In each episode, one type of food will be featured and compared whether the handmade or the factory produced one tastes better. I'm surprised that a lot of times, the factory-made ones actually won. Even so, hats off to those who handmade the delicious food and insist in preserving the traditions despite the hard and repetitive work, everyday, just to satisfy their customers.

* I use recipe from Delicious Asian Baked Treats, you can also check out the pretty ones made by Amanda and Little Corner of Mine.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Baked Chicken Wings

Last year, inspired by the baking blogs, I have started to learn how to bake.

This year, I have expanded my blog reading list to cooking blogs too. After the recent discovery of all the food blogs that share how easy cooking can be, I feel like cooking myself too. I have mentioned so many times that I wanted to learn how to cook. Time to start.

Baked Chicken Wings

I love to eat chicken so much that it's obvious why I bookmark so many chicken recipes. Got this recipe from Jthorge's Kitchen. The chicken wings are very tender and juicy. Love it!

Monday, November 10, 2008

7 things you don't know about SSB

Hello everyone, I'm 95% recovered from the cough. I think it's the almond soup that cures me. Drink 2 times only and seems to be more effective than the cough syrup. :)

It's meme time again! Thanks Yuri, Missy and Jane for tagging me at the same time. I have not been baking, or rather baking successfully recently, which explains the lack of posts. Here's a reason to put up a post to fill in the gaps. Haha!

Try not to repeat the things I have said in the past.

7 random facts about myself

1. The reason I call myself small small baker is because I'm really small and skinny in size. :)

2. When I was studying, Maths is my best subject and I never got less than an A until University. English is my worst subject. The first time I failed an exam was English in Sec 2, studied very hard to get a B in O levels and struggling for a pass in GP for A levels. :(

3. This year, I started learning abacus and mental arithmetic. Passed my grading exam but didn't manage to score full marks (stress lah!). :(

4. I miss my mum's cooking (she's not cooking meat dishes anymore since she becomes vegetarian). Some of my favourite dishes were Hakka Yong Tau Foo, shredded chicken noodles and salted chicken. I hope to learn from her how to cook these dishes. :)

5. The first time I sat on an aeroplane was a trip to Australia 8 years ago. Went to Dream World and sat on the Tower of Terror - a free fall ride from 38 storeys high in 7 seconds (didn't know where I got the courage) and hurt my back at that time. Never dare to sit on any rides and roller coasters since then. :(

6. I'm interested and have learnt a bit about astrology. I'm a Taurus who gets along well with air signs like Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, but can't seem to get along with Leo. :)

7. Since everyone's talking about driving license, I passed both my basic and advance theory in 1 attempt but never started any driving lessons. :)

I'm tagging the following 7 bloggers, I hope they have fun with this meme.
2. Sherlyn's hobbies blog
3. Daily Affairs (singairishgirl)
4. Held by Love, Baked from scratch (Amanda)
5. A little diary of mine (Fanny)
6. MySimpleFood
7. Bite On It! (angeleyes)

Here are the rules for tagging:
1. Link to my blog (tagger) on your blog.
2. Give seven facts about yourself.
3. Tag another seven bloggers by leaving a comment on their blogs and letting them know they were tagged and listing them (and their blogs) on your blog.

Check out my previous memes:
Meme 2
2 more memes