
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Milo Chocolate Chip Muffins

At times, when you don't feel like baking anything complicated or trying something new or attempting a recipe that you have already failed several times, making muffins is the best choice.

I try out the Milo Chocolate Chip Muffin by Cooking Crave. I can't help adding this to my to-do list cos they look so yummy from the photos. She has modified HHB's recipe by reducing the sugar and chocolate chips.

It is only after trying out these delicious muffins then I realize the taste seems to be a bit familiar. No wonder! I had baked these muffins before, back in 2007 when I had just started baking (see picture below). It was my first batch of muffins! How forgetful I am, falling for the same recipe twice, unintentionally. Proves that this recipe is too good to be missed! And you notice how different the two batches of muffins looks, even though they were done by the same person. It looks like the muffins have just gone through a "makeover"! ^_^